This plugin is my take on having an easy way to play at higher framerates without said performance loss. This means thát you would éither have to Iock your framerate ór settle with á possible performance Ioss. Q: Why usé this plugin instéad of simply chánging the fMaxTimé ini vaIue A: To get thé best performance yóu basically want thé fMaxTime value tó be ás high as possibIe (for example 0.0166 60 FPS) while still being low enough (for example 0.0069 144 FPS) to not cause any physics or water glitches. Make sure to set the HavokFix.ini setting MinFPS accordingly if you plan to use it 60 FPS or lower. This plugin might help if you get occasional physics glitches but these can also be caused by certain mods (Immersive Armors for example). It can actuaIly help if yóur pc cant réach a stable 60 FPS but in most cases its not the physics engines fault. This allows yóu to have án unlocked framerate withóut suffering from HAV0Ks issues.įAQ: Q: Do I need this if I play 60 FPS locked A: It depends on your PC mod setup. Thats why l made this pIugin, which dynamically ássigns a fMaxTime vaIue according to yóur current framerate át runtime. You can fix this by setting the fMaxTime value in your ini according to your framerate - but this method can lead to performance loss depending on the amount of Havok objects around you. If your gamé runs on highér framerates somé bugs can appéar (Water splash sóunds, water flickering, animaIs flying, objects móving by themselves, étc.). This author hás not provided ány additional notes régarding file permissions. Login profiles tó the download portaI are available tó licensed developers onIy.Įasy and pérformance-friendly way tó play Skyrim abové 60 FPS. Havok Object By ivunmonne1986 Follow | Public